Tuesday 11 April 2017

15 Things to do to Self-Recover


Whether it is from a mental or emotional breakdown, an ended relationship, a bad friendship, a lousy job or maybe the wound you’ve been avoiding that has been recently getting you down, recovery is necessary.

Everyone owes themselves the time and effort to pick themselves up again and refresh their life view but the question is how? New habits. Yes, habits are more powerful than you realize. Let me enlighten you on this truth:

  • The habit of drinking water every morning can improve your health and energy thus helps make you more productive in that time frame.
  • The habit of deleting useless emails keeps your email from being full of junk and thus easier to navigate.
  • The habit of buying fast food can be horrendous to your health and put a hole in your bank account overtime.

In short:  Habits can either make or break you; they have a way of picking you up or helping seal your decline and that is why they are the cornerstone to your recovery.
I had a moment of recovery 3 years ago. I had taken some blows to my confidence and had just decided to get out of toxic friendships with people I had to still see on a daily basis. Though I could not change my surroundings but I could change myself and the reality I chose to see them through and live in. I felt I needed to find myself again and so something had to give, I had to change. So I subconsciously started practicing habits that I now look back on and found they were so defining for me that I had to share them. Some may sound a bit weird but hey, if they helped me I hope they can help you.

  1. 1. Only Listened to Music with Purpose


I used to love a good bubblegum song once in a while but in my recovery I avoided all songs about shaking my body, petty situations and catchy tunes. I needed to listen to music that I really felt. I made a playlist of songs I felt where positive with the following criteria

Songs I could relate to

Songs that encouraged me

Songs without curse words or explicit descriptions

Songs that made me think of where I want to be in life

Songs that related to what I was doing or going through

In this process you’ll realize songs you have that you hardly listen to but have kept in your phone because other people making them like cool sneakers everyone’s talking about but that you don’t even like or even. Get rid of those songs. Your playlist is designed for your music, it isn’t storage unit for everyone else so let you songs be of your taste. I started listening to these songs with purpose and I felt like I knew myself a bit better (even though I thought I already did). I encourage you to do this music purge for just a week or two (no cheating). I’m sure you’ll encounter a positive change.
In any case, ‘You are what you listen to’ is a fact. Music has a way of influencing you and giving away as much as your eyes about who you are.

2. Keep a Journal



No one can ever outgrow writing in a journal. The most influential people actually keep journals and this is because it is important to know how to express yourself to yourself and to keep track of your emotional health, life and evolution. Keeping a journal is therapeutic and it allows you to give everything you feel a voice that no one can misunderstand, judge or leak (unless you leave your journal in plain sight). It’s comforting knowing that you have a place to pour out your emotions and let yourself come to terms with everything. I like looking back at the journals I’ve kept because It reminds me of how much growing I’ve done and how much I have evolved.

     3. Pray


I have discovered a profound power in prayer and connecting with the Divine God. The honest moment of just praying to God and knowing you are in the presence of the God who can help you, heal you, guide you, knows you and loves you is the most overwhelmingly amazing feeling. Now, I’m not an expert in praying but I do pray from the heart and when I cannot find the words I ask God to give them to me or I sit in silence. I feel it is important for every human to connect with their spiritual side because we are also made of spirit. I feel it keeps me grounded, guides me, encourages me and changes things. Prayer is a constant reminder that you are not alone and that God is in control of situations that seem out of control. Having that knowledge just gives me drive and a place to go to. Prayer is powerful.

    4. Read (with love)



Whether you are a bookworm or you only read the headlines on newspapers, reading is something that you should add into your daily life. Reading is not only mental nourishment, it is also a therapeutic: letting yourself explore a world and reality outside of your own really has many benefits including; expanding creativity, making you more fluent in the language of the book, improving your vocabulary and making you more knowledgeable. Reading is almost like hitting a ‘pause’ on your life.
Reading is a really good thing for recovery because we find characters that relate to our situations and indirectly give us comfort, coping mechanisms and let us know we are not cornered or alone. We also find characters and stories to learn from that are not always obvious but they are there nonetheless.
So reading is a definite yes, novels, fiction, non-fiction, whatever genre or book.

    5.Start writing down quotes from my life



Some people call them “Aha!” moments and others call them epiphanies. I’m talking about those moments of wisdom or realization you have on a day to day basis. It feels something like that good idea you have while you’re showering or those things you realize when you’re up at night.
People come up with the most insightful ideas, thoughts and realizations and usually forget them just as fast. Not scribbling these things down is like going to a beach, seeing a beautiful diamond, admiring it then walking away without picking it up when one day you’ll need it. That’s why I say WRITE IT DOWN. Whether in a notebook or on the memo app in your phone, write it down because your present wisdom will be helpful to you in the future.
Recovery is a critical time for people because it is when they are realizing a lot of things and having resolution with situations and feelings which makes it the best time to take note of your thoughts. Wisdom has a way of coming in through the door of pain and hurt so it is important to note these things. Sometime I like to write these down in the form of quotes and I’ve found this really helpful because when life tried to drag me down, I used the words of wisdom I’d written to hold myself up and remind myself of things I needed to remember.

     6.Stop explaining yourself


Picking up form the point above, this is one quote I wrote:
” Stop living like you are on a hall pass and you have to explain to everyone why you aren’t in the classroom their used to seeing you in“
Some people have a habit of always feeling like they have to inform everyone about the changes they are making as if they need peoples' permission slips to live their lives, and it actually is a way of subconsciously  asking someone permission. I understand that there are some changes you make that require you to explain to people who will be affected but it is not necessary to recite your reasons to everyone even when they haven’t asked.  When we decide to change something in our lives, people may ask, “Why?”. This isn’t always an ill-minded question because some are curious, others are affected by your change and others just want to know. Having said that, there are people who always want you to feel awkward about being anyone else than who they know you to be thus crippling the change you try to make and mutating your personal growth. Others will always see the worst in your actions and explaining to either of these people why you are doing A, B or C it just so exhausting and really does do something to your sense of self, self-respect and independence.
I understand that at times one might feel like people will misinterpret their actions or reason for change and thus you have to explain and that is not always necessary and it can really make you feel caged and owned in a way.
Dropping that feeling of obligation where it is not due is like dropping a chain. Do you, No explanations.

         7.Pursue The Change You Want


There is such a joy and initialing change you’ve been craving. It really gives your confidence a major boost and makes you feel more in control of how you are living your life. Make a list of all the things you’d like to change and all the things you’ve been putting off to do. List them and put a check box next to each. If it is a long-term change then make stepping stones required to achieve it e.g.
Change: I want to lose 8 kg
Stepping stones: Eat healthier, exercise every second day
After that, you go online and find healthy recipes, healthy food to buy and healthy habits as well as exercise routines and videos you can follow on YouTube.
Feeling stuck can come from not to creating the change you want. By starting that road of recovery you have to invite and actively initiate the change you want in yourself and your life.

       8.Learn to say "No"


No is the most liberating word sometimes. Because we care for people or respect the fact that someone is a fellow human, we often find it hard to say no to the things we can’t do. Not being able to say no can make life really frustrating. Scenario: your friends are always going out at night but you have to study for a test. They ask you if you can come and you try tell them, “well, I have this test…” but they then convince you and you end up agreeing but not because you’re convinced but it’s  actually just because  you don’t want to say ‘No’ …fast forward; the test comes and you flunk all because you didn’t just say NO. NO is not a swear word, it is a right. Now I’m not saying turn into a stingy person or a ‘Debbie Downer’ but a NO when it’s due can really set you free. Not refusing when we really can’t is like living on treadmills sponsored by others. Putting your foot down may feel scary and you may get backlash from people (who reveal selfish characters you did not know they had) but it is worth it. If you can’t make it, don’t have time, are tired or just don’t want to…say No. (Politely but with little or no apologies)

           9.Forget about how you look like



This basically means stop trying to seem like anything to anyone, stop pretending to be A,B or C to look happy, rich or whatever. Just stop. Don’t hurt yourself by living like you are on an imaginary stage always required to perform. I don’t mean that you should wear a long face to show everyone that you’re not feeling happy today but I’m saying that you should not be so haunted my the thought of what others think of you, how you look doing X and just let people think what they think because no matter how you act you don’t have the ability to reach into the minds of others and control their opinions so let it go. Their opinion doesn’t define you anyways. If you’re feeling happy, let your happiness show naturally and don’t go about gloating and trying to show off how wide you can smile because you want everyone to know and see that you happy. In short, let yourself be natural. Smile if you feel like it, laugh loud if it’s in you, don’t if you don’t feel like it. Post if you want to but always make sure you are doing things to express and not to impress. Forget about Seeming and start just Being.



Forgiving is one of the most important things ever. We all have something to forgive and we all need forgiving so it’s safe to say that forgiving is as necessary as oxygen. I talked about the importance of forgiving in my previous post. Holding on to unforgiveness, grudges and bitter feelings is like giving the past a leash to us in the present; it really hinders you, controls you and make us feel trapped without knowing it. Until we forgive we cannot move on and life is all about moving on and moving forward. Letting go and making peace with your past takes away its power and gives it back to you. It is necessary to forgive if you want to recover; it is a un-skip able step.

         11.Act with intention


Basically this means have and know your reason for doing things. Example: I pick up a book, so I ask myself why I’m picking up the book ‘to put it on the table’ why am I putting it on the table ‘to make the place look cleaner’. This may seem silly but It made me feel like everything I was doing was done with purpose and helped me avoid looking at my actions from other peoples perspectives  and just doing them because I knew my reasons.

         12. Plan your Days


You do not have to be super organized to plan your day but you may think, “What is there to pan? I have work/school then I get home.” There is so much that happens in that day, it’s made of categories, subcategories, events and moments. Yes, you go to work or school but what happened before that? Answer: your morning events that you could have planned out. Here are examples of some plans:
Pray/Mediate 3 minutes/Make a gratitude list/Drink 700 ml water/ brush teeth and shower/Dress up/Affirmations in front of mirror/Go.
And there lunchtime too: where will you get lunch? Did you make lunch? Where will you eat it and who with? Do you prefer to get out of the office at lunch?
Or you get to school earl. What do you do? Hang out with friends/ finish up that homework you forgot/ study up on the upcoming test/.
Planning out your day leaves less time for you to be idle or feel bored plus you get things done.
This doesn’t mean become a robot but it is a secure feeling of stability knowing that you know what you will do.

         13. Take Walks Alone


Need a break from life? Go take a walk. There is something refreshing about nature that you don’t have to be a hippy to feel. There is also something so inspiring about being in solitude for a moment and not being afraid of your silence but instead letting yourself spend time with yourself. The trees don’t judge and the flowers don’t discriminate. Make a date with yourself once or twice a day or week to take a slow paced walk with you. You can do this in the morning, in the afternoon, during your lunch break, in the evening…I don’t recommend night. Overall, it will really recharge and connect you with yourself.

          14. Be Grateful



"Being thankful for all you are and all you have will change your life."

Now this really changed my life. You may have heard of the power of gratitude and such-and-such. It is true. Being in a state of gratitude helped me to see things not only positively but with clarity. It also made me less prone to feeling down because I suddenly became hard to offend (to the disappointment of my then haters). I was like have an extra wall of security over my mind and heart. How do I express gratitude? Say thank you with depth: 1. Think how you would be without something, someone, and someone’s help 2. Think of how good it is that you have that thing, person or help 3. Say thank you (I prefer to say it 3 times in my mind too) 4. Feel the joy and freedom of gratitude flow within you.
Waking up thankful for a new day, life, food and just about anything opens your eyes to the brilliance of your life and opens the door to more. This is important to do in self recovery because when we have been hurt, we tend to fester bitter feelings that can make us ignorant to our blessings and sometimes even ungrateful. Practicing gratitude puts you in a position to claim your joy back and recover your happiness.

      15. Tune in to your talents and Express yourself


The process of getting up can be a very inspiring time unbeknownst to many. This is the best time to make music, write stories, pen down some poems, knit some fabric, sculpt some sculptors, paint pictures, draw and illustrate and just do just about everything to nourish and grow with your talents and skills. The deepest emotions and most honest works emerge and you get to know or discover your skills, talents and passions on a more intimate level.


I challenge you to take up these habits and watch the change in your life. I would love to know if this note from my life helped you.

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