Friday 28 April 2017

How to Have a Healthy Argument

Arguments are inevitable; humans have different opinions and they do not always agree. If not controlled, those arguments have the potential to turn into conflict or tension.Whether it is with a spouse, friend or with co-workers, the best way to prevent sour disagreements is to argue in a healthy way by following the guideline below:

7 Signs the Friendship is Fading

We meet many people on the journey of life. Most stay strangers, others become mentors, some are colleagues and a chosen few become friends. Friendships are to be cherished, but not all friendships are destined to last forever. You may get a friend for life ( I wrote about the 10 signs Your Friendship will last>>), but sometimes your friends stop being friends and gradually become strangers with memories. Their role in your life stops existing and you just don’t talk anymore. You find yourself wondering how you came to be friends from the get go.

How To Move On From Friends

Friendships don't always last forever. I talked about the 10 Signs Your Friendship is Fading,  but what happens after it's faded? How do you move on? You used to do everything with someone and they were part of your schedule, what do you fill it with? Maybe your situation isn't that deep and the 'friend' you want to move on from is and was not your best friend. You may just have a friend you don't want to be around anymore but you don't know how to take that first step. Detaching yourself from people you know is not always easy but sometimes it is necessary. Let's go through the steps together.

Sunday 23 April 2017

5 Things You Should never Do When Arguing With Your Partner

Couples argue from time to time. It is important however, to make sure you do not let an argument cause long term conflict, damage and break-ups. There are certain things that a person who values their relationship will not do during an argument with their significant other. These 5 things to NEVER do when arguing can save a lot of hurt, as well as your relationship.


Saturday 22 April 2017

10 Signs Your Frienship will Last

Life teaches us that not all friends are true and not all friends last. I wrote about this in a previous post Signs your Friendship is Fading. But in the midst of this, there are friends that remain and friends that arise with the potential to put the ‘forever’ in BFF. Here are some signs to look out for if you want to know if your friendship is one that is likely to stand the test of time. 

Feel free around each other

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